Athletic Trainer
Athletic training services are provided to Rogers High School through NovaCare Rehabilitation.
Heather Fahsl is the trainer at Rogers High School.
Athletic Training Room Hours: (Training room is located in the athletic hall by the locker rooms).
Fall + Winter: Monday – Friday 2:15 – 5:15
Spring: Monday – Friday 2:15 – 4:15
Heather Fahsl:
Phone: 763-274-3140 x 1618 (RHS Training Room)
Fax: 763-274-3141 (RHS main office fax)
Types of services provided by trainers at Rogers High School:
Injury/illness prevention and wellness protection (taping, wrapping, exercise prescription)
Immediate and emergency care
Treatment and rehabilitation
Concussion Testing:
Baseline concussion testing is available at the beginning of each season (fall, winter, spring) with the athletic trainer.
Rogers High School will follow the MSHSL guidelines when caring for a student athlete with a concussion.
MSHSL Resources on Concussions can be found here: