MCA Reading
WHEN & WHERE? RHS, April 15 - 16, 2025
WHAT IS IT? Evaluation of student competence in application of processes and concepts of the state graduation standard.
WHO TAKES IT? All 10th Graders
WHY TAKE IT? Identify district and school strengths and weaknesses
MCA Math
WHEN & WHERE? RHS, April 22 - 23, 2025
WHAT IS IT? Evaluation of student competence in application of processes and concepts of the state graduation standard
WHO TAKES IT? All 11th Graders
WHY TAKE IT? Identify district and school strengths and weaknesses
MCA Science
WHEN & WHERE? RHS, April 29 - 30, 2025
WHAT IS IT? Evaluation of student competence in application of processes and concepts of the state graduation standard.
WHO TAKES IT? Students in Biology and AP Biology
WHY TAKE IT? Identify district and school strengths and weaknesses