RHS April 2024
Upcoming Dates
4/5- No School, Teacher Workshop
4/9- ACT Testing for Juniors, Virtual Day for 9,10,12 grades
4/22- Awards Night Grades 9-12, 7-8:30pm
4/22- Arts Fest 2024, 4:30pm-7pm
Please check the RHS Calendar for all the details
Awards Night
Awards Night for Grades 9-12 in the Performing Arts Center, April 22, 2024 at 7 pm
Watch for an emailed invitation sent to students with a qualifying GPA.
AP Testing Reminders
Please click here for AP TESTING REMINDERS for announcements on the upcoming AP testing.
MCA Testing Reminders
MCA Testing will be here soon! Please review these test-taking tips with your student to maximize their testing potential.
Additionally, the Student Readiness Tool allows students to gain exposure to the test-taking program so there are no surprises on test day. Have your student take a look and test-drive the navigation of MCA testing.
Arts Fest 2024
Arts Fest 2024 will be happening on Monday, April 22 at the RHS commons space from 4:30 - 7. Arts Fest will feature music performances from our band and choir ensembles, a student art exhibition and demonstrations, make and take craft stations and more. Please join us on April 22 and help support the arts at RHS!
RHS Presents
Performances of the RHS Spring Play These Shining Lives by Melanie Marnich
Performances are April 18th, 19th, and 20th at 7pm
Matinee performance on April 20th at 2pm
Rogers High School Performing Arts Center
Tickets can be purchased at the door: $5 for students and $7 for adults or by clicking HERE
Did you know?
- Did you know that Rogers High School offers Homework Help? It is available in Room C101 from 7:05-7:30 am, and on Wednesdays from 7:05-7:55 am.
- Did you know that we have a school store? The Rogers One-Stop DECA Shoppe is open during lunch, and also has an online store!
- Did you know that the senior All Night Grad Party is put on by parents and has its own website? Please be sure to visit HERE for upcoming events!
Junior and Senior Prom
All information about Rogers 2024 Prom can be found HERE
Class of 2024 News
High School Graduation is an exciting occasion. The graduation celebration for RHS seniors and their families is Wednesday, June 5, at 7 pm in the Rogers High School Fieldhouse.
Please be sure to check our website for any new updates!
Wednesday Morning Expectations
Safety and security are of utmost importance at Rogers High School. Along with this, school attendance is our single biggest behavior among our students. We ask for support from parents to encourage your child to be in class, on time, every day.
Wednesday mornings: because we start later than normal on Wednesdays (8:00 am), there is an influx of students who are dropped off at school and then leave campus with friends (walking to Cub Foods or elsewhere). This is a safety concern on a number of levels, and while we attempt to stop students from choosing this behavior, we appreciate some reminders at home to stay at school and go to class on time.
Additionally, here is a message from School Resource Officer, Detective Clayton Justen:
Dear Students and Parents,
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to address some safety concerns that have been reported in our community, particularly on Wednesday mornings. Our primary concern is the safety and well-being of our students, and your cooperation is vital in ensuring their safety.
1. Students Leaving School Campus After Drop-off: We've noticed some students leaving the school campus after being dropped off by bus or by a parent. It is crucial to emphasize that students should remain on the school premises until classes officially begin. Leaving the campus unsupervised can pose risks to their safety.
2. Unsafe Roadway Crossings Near Cub Foods: We've received reports of students crossing roadways near Cub Foods in an unsafe manner. Please remind your children to use designated crosswalks, follow traffic signals, and exercise caution when crossing streets. Their safety is of utmost importance.
3. Reports of Theft at Cub Foods: There have been reports of items being stolen from Cub Foods. It's essential to instill the values of honesty and respect in your children. Stealing not only has legal consequences but also goes against our community and school principles.
4. Damage to Cub Foods Property: There have also been reports of students damaging Cub Foods property and using equipment intended for handicap customers. This behavior is unacceptable and may result in legal consequences. Please remind your children to treat public property with care and respect.
5. Trespassing and Playing on Construction Materials: Trespassing on construction sites and playing on construction materials can be extremely dangerous. We urge students to stay away from these areas to avoid accidents and injuries. We, as the Rogers Police Department, are committed to working together with parents, students, and the community to maintain a safe and secure environment for all. Please take some time to discuss these safety concerns with your children and stress the importance of responsible behavior. If you witness any suspicious activity or have concerns about safety in our community, please do not hesitate to contact the Rogers Police Department.
Thank you for your attention to these matters, and together, we can ensure the safety of our students
and our community.
Clayton Justen
School Resource Officer
Rogers Police Department
Parking Permit Purchasing for the 2023-2024 is now CLOSED due to reaching capacity!
Please click HERE to view the Stadium Construction Update
Parking is on a first-come, first-served basis. Students who park in the school lots must display a valid parking permit. Vehicles not displaying a valid parking permit may receive an RHS Parking Violation and a possible fine. Student parking is NOT permitted in the RAC lot or in visitor and staff parking (parking at the RAC or visitor/staff parking spaces will be towed).
All student drivers must purchase a parking permit and park ONLY in designated parking areas at RHS and RMS:
- Seniors and juniors can park in the main lot, RHS Performing Arts Center, and the student section of the RMS lot.
- Sophomores must park in the RMS lot.
- Students must possess a valid driver's license to purchase a parking permit.
- Rogers High School reserves the right to close sales due to parking lots being at full capacity.
- RHS will issue one permit to each student who completes both the payment and web form. Whether early/ late arrival, PSEO, or part-time, the parking permit fee is $90.00.
Please visit our website to purchase a parking permit.
Vehicles not displaying permit or parked in locations other than designated areas are subject to ticketing/towing.
2024-2025 Link Leaders
Do you have a current 10th or 11th grader? Do they show Royal PRIDE? Then they could be a Link Leader next year! Applications will be available 4/29 and are due 5/13. More information will be available through schoology for students later on this month!
Rogers vs. Hopkins Baseball at Target Field!
Thursday, May 16th start time between 3:30-4:00 following the Twins vs. Yankees.
Purchase discounted tickets for $15 using the QR code below. Tickets are good for both the Twins game AND the Rogers vs. Hopkins game!
Yearbook Information
Families can order yearbooks HERE
Spotlight on Students
2024 Scholastic Art Awards Competition
Rogers High School art students participated in the 2024 Minnesota Scholastic Art and Writing Awards Competition and were recognized with 10 awards! The Scholastic Art Awards program is the nation's oldest and most prestigious student arts competition, running annually for 100 plus years, since 1923. Recognition in this program is an honor that speaks to the commitment these students have made to excellence in the arts. The following Rogers High School entries achieved Honorable Mention Award in this years regional competition:
Grace Clark, “Vanity”, Painting
Jasper Foley, “Ice Cream in a Pineapple”, Pastel Drawing
Sophie Heuvels, “Shimmering Lake View”, Pastel Drawing
Abby Hone, “Purple Possum”, Acrylic Painting
Judah Jore, “No Beholder”, Acrylic Painting
Alex Juhl, “Personal Perspective”, Acrylic Painting
Madeline Peterson, “Golden Arrow”, Jewelry
Olivia Orengo, “Raised Eyebrow”, Acrylic Painting
Abigail Siedschlaw, “The Patsy”, Oil Painting
Olivia Johnson achieved the Silver Key award for her acrylic painting entitled “The Madison”.
Congratulations to all of our RHS student artist participants!
Olivia Johnson, "The Madison", Acrylic Paint (Silver Key Award)
78 students from Rogers participated in the annual Minnesota DECA State Career Development Conference in Minneapolis, MN, March 10-12, 2024.
During the school year, 5500 Minnesota DECA members (a record membership) take part in the organization's competitive events program, allowing them to compete in over 60 events focused in the areas of entrepreneurship, finance, hospitality, marketing and other related fields.
The competitors are designed to simulate real-life business scenarios and test students’ academic understanding and skills development. After qualifying earlier this year, district winners put their talents to the test during the State Career Development Conference.
Students receiving state recognition include:
Paige Bauermeister – Sales Project – 3rd place
Quinn Daugherty – Hospitality and Tourism Operations Research – 1st place
Colin Fullington – Sports and Entertainment Operations Research – 2nd place
Connor Greni – Sales Project – 3rd place
Morgan Hammer – Hospitality and Tourism Operations Research – 1st
Chase Heikkinen – School Based Enterprise - Food – 2nd
Josh Jenson – Sports and Entertainment Marketing – 3rd
Jenna Lenz – Sports and Entertainment Operations Research – 2nd
Mason Lund – Hospitality and Tourism Operations Research – 1st
Allison Mauss – Sports and Entertainment Operations Research – 2nd
Ryan Theisen – School Based Enterprise - Food – 2nd
Brooklyn Udee – Sales Project – 3rd
Kylie Winkler – Sales Demonstration - Hard Lines – 3rd
One Stop DECA Shoppe certified gold
This April, DECA members will travel to Anaheim, CA to compete with more than 20,000 top students from around the world at the International Career Development Conference.
Ashlynn Coleman places 5th at the 5AA Speech Section. Six others competed: Aubree English, Nettie Kanawayer, Patrick Barrett, WIlliam Campbell, and Cece Mischke.
RHS Honor Roll
The Honor Roll is posted two to three weeks after the quarter ends.
The qualifications for the Honor Roll are:
A = 3.51 to 4.00 GPA
B = 3.00 to 3.509 GPA
Please visit THIS SITE which contains family and parent resources to support mental health, social and emotional learning (job preparedness skills), safety, alcohol and substance abuse and more. The information on this page will be updated regularly with new resources, community events relating to these issues and other important information relating to Prevention & Safety.
Sherburne County Substance Use Prevention Coalition
The SUP Coalition is a community-focused coalition comprised of individuals
that reside or work in Sherburne County and are committed to reducing
youth substance use through community collaboration.
From the Health Office
- Health Office Staff: 763-274-3147 Fax: 763-274-3141
Lora Benson - Licensed School Nurse 763-241-3400, ext 1607
Mellisa Abrahamson - Health Services Assistant
Stacy Decker - Health Services Assistant (Part-Time)
- All students going home ill during the school day need to be seen in Health Services in order for their absence to be excused.
- If your student is reaching out to you to go home, please have them go to the Health Office
- Health Services staff will need to speak to a parent prior to the student being checked-out of school
- Please notify Health Services of any Communicable Diseases (Strep, Influenza, Pertussis, etc)
Hearing & Vision Screenings for Students:
ISD 728 is no longer scheduling mass vision and hearing screenings. However, if you have a vision and/or hearing concern regarding your child, a request for screening can be made by completing this online request form. Screenings will be performed upon request only, by completing this online request form.
Communicable Disease & Infections:
Influenza season is just around the corner and as we know, illnesses are prevalent in our schools. Health
Services offices are structured to keep students in school as much as possible so they can meet their
educational goals. Unfortunately, there are times when students need to stay home to get well in order to
prevent exposure and the spread of illness to others. If your child has been diagnosed with a communicable
disease, such as influenza, strep throat, COVID-19, please report these confirmations to the Health Services
Personnel in your child’s school building. Reporting forms are no longer available on the district website for
● Influenza Information from Minnesota Department of Health
● COVID-19 Information from Minnesota Department of Health
● Communicable Diseases & Infections from Minnesota Department of Health
From the Counseling Office
4/9: 11th grade: ACT
4/9: 10th grade: Postsecondary Tour Day/Digital Learning Day @ home
4/9: 9th grade: Volunteer Day/Digital Learning Day @ home
4/9: 12th grade: Digital Learning Day @ home
4/16-17: 10th grade: MCA Reading
4/19: Hiring Job Fair @ RHS Fieldhouse 10:30am-12:30pm
4/22: Awards Night @ RHS PAC: Grades 9-12 7:00-8:30pm
4/23-24: 11th grade: MCA Math
4/30-5/1: 10th grade: MCA Science
5/4: Trades Career Fair @ ERX Motor Park
5/6: Senior Scholarship Night @ RHS PAC 7:00-8:30
5/6-5/16: AP testing for AP students
5/13: AVID Senior Send Off @ RHS Commons 6:00-8:00
10th Grade Postsecondary Tour Day (off campus): Tuesday, April 9th
This day has been reserved as a virtual school day for 10th graders to accommodate time for this valuable experience. Information was presented to students and sent to families last month. Students have the option to plan and attend their own Post Secondary Tour, the option to attend a RHS Pre-Planned College Tour (now full), or the option to complete a Virtual College Tour digital lesson in Schoology.
9th Grade Volunteer Day: Tuesday, April 9th
This date has been reserved as a virtual school day for 9th graders to allow time to gain volunteer experience. The expectation for all 9th graders is to complete a minimum of two volunteer hours on or before this date. Information was sent to families last month. Students will be required to make their own arrangements for this experience. Students are allowed to go anywhere they prefer. Churches, elementary schools, nursing homes, pre-schools, daycares, food shelves, humane society, and animal rescue shelters are just a few options.
Below is a list of possible volunteer opportunities:
Arrows Heart Animal rescue Zimmerman/ Elk River - http://www.arrowsheartanimalrescue.com/
Angel’s of Hope Animal rescue - https://www.aohrescue.org/
Secondhand hounds - https://www.thebondbetween.org/
Welstead of Rogers https://www.fivestarseniorliving.com/communities/mn/rogers/the-wellstead-of-rogers-diamondcrest
Magnus Veterans foundation- https://magnusveteransfoundation.org/
Cross food shelf - Tracey Hellawell - 763-342-4008
Guardian Angels - Lynn Owens - 763-241-4460
Thumbs Up - Kate Swanson - 612-590-7879
Spring Testing Dates
Date |
Test |
Who |
April 16-17 |
MCA Reading |
10th Grade |
April 9 |
11th Grade |
April 23-24 |
MCA Math |
11th Grade |
April 30-May 1 |
MCA Science |
10th Grade |
May 6-May 16 |
AP Testing |
AP Students |
ACT Test - April 9, 2024
All current Juniors (Class of 2025) will be taking the ACT for FREE on Tuesday, April 9, 2024. RHS students are automatically registered for this test by the school district. There is no writing section on this test. Click HERE for further information on additional ACT testing opportunities and resources to practice.
**All ISD728 students have access to FREE ACT Test Prep materials in their MCIS account. Click HERE for instructions about how to access MCIS Test Prep.
What is the ACT? A multiple-choice, pencil-paper test used by many colleges and universities to make admission decisions.
ACT Basics |
Total test time: 2 hours, 55 minutes |
Sections |
English (45 minutes)
Math (60 minutes)
Reading (35 minutes)
Science (35 minutes)
Max Score |
36 |
Average Score |
21 |
Resources |
MCIS (My Portfolio → Test Prep → College Entrance/GED/ASVAB → ACT) |
Hiring Job Fair @ RHS Fieldhouse
Friday, April 19th during lunch/4th hour
Students - Are you looking for an after school or summer job? How about a possible career? Join us in meeting 20+ local employers that are seeking RHS students ages 15+ for their job openings and learn about available opportunities! All RHS students are welcome! Register Here to receive a pass from your 4th hour on the 19th to attend the career fair!
Employers Attending:
Marksman Metals Co. Inc.
RDO Equipment Co.
Hampton inn & Suites
Carpentry Contractors Company
New Horizon Academy
GATR Truck Center
Pinnacle Design & Remodeling
Performance Foodservice
Spikes and Houles Feed Store
Metal Craft
ISD 728 EdVenture Club
Eastey Enterprises
Mold-Tech Inc.
Community Education
Engstrom Wood Products
Terra Construction
Sherburne County
Coborn's, Inc.
Omann Brothers Paving
The city of Maple Grove
Cornerstone Automotive
2024 Construction and Trades Career Fair @ ERX Motor Park, Elk River
Saturday, May 4, 2024, 10am-1pm
Come learn about opportunities in the construction industry. The event is FREE - all are welcome, no registration required! May include by not limited to: Laborers ◇ Operators ◇ Estimators ◇ Project Manager ◇ Truck Drivers ◇ Welders ◇ Electricians ◇ Diesel Mechanics ◇ Sheet Metal Workers ◇ Lineman ◇ Utility Construction
SCRUBS CAMP 2024 @ Anoka Technical College
Students will participate in a variety of hands-on activities in the health care and medical field. Students spend 2 days at Anoka Tech and the third day is a field trip to industry partner sites.
Grades: 9-12
Dates: July 9-11, 9:00am-3:00pm (Other dates available at different sites)
Cost: $150 *Scholarships Available
Minnesota Business Venture @ University of St. Thomas
MBV is a weeklong business and career development summer camp that brings students together to learn business, leadership and financial literacy skills.
Grades: 9-12
Dates: July 7-12 or July 21-26
Cost: before April 21: $200, after April 21: $300
While the RHS Local Scholarship Application is now closed, seniors are still encouraged to apply for other outside scholarships. Check out the RHS Scholarship Website for a list of scholarships to continue your search!
Completing your FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) is one of the most important steps in your post-secondary planning.
If you have questions about the FAFSA or need assistance with your application, please attend a WIN session with Ms. Fanning or schedule a meeting with her: holly.fanning@isd728.org
Recorded College Credit Opportunities/PSEO Info Session
Any RHS 10th or 11th grade student who is considering PSEO next year, should view this recorded information session.
This video and presentation will review the requirements and application process for PSEO (Post Secondary Enrollment Options) for high school students. Please register for a full schedule at RHS during registration, and your schedule will be adjusted in the spring, after your PSEO application is completed.
Upcoming College Visits @ RHS
These visits take place in the RHS College & Career Center (D109)
April 11 @ 9:00 am - University of Northwestern - St. Paul
April 9 @ 9:00 am - Hennepin Technical College
April 17 @ 10:20 am - Winona State University
Looking for more opportunities? Check out this list of:
April “Future-Planning” Tasks by Grade
Here are some resources for any college-bound student asking "What should I be doing right now?"
Build an awesome summer reading list:- Start with picks from this recommended list for excellent teen reads. And consider asking your teachers what their favorite reads were in high school.
NYT Writing Prompts for Students: If you haven’t already, start keeping a journal and use some of these questions as inspiration.
Build an awesome summer reading list that includes some biographies and memoirs: Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson is a must-read and can be found at your local library.
NYT Writing Prompts for Students: If you haven’t already, start keeping a journal and use some of these questions as inspiration.
Values Exercise (video): Spend some time thinking about your core values by working through this simple exercise. Your answers may help drive how you spend your summer ahead.
How to research colleges without visiting a campus: Learning more about colleges is an exciting and time-intensive process. Make sure to expand your search beyond your local public universities—and use your values as a guide.
Colleges That Change Lives: As you build your college list, consider this set of 44 schools that focus on providing a personalized, student-centered experience. Listen to this podcast, and check out upcoming events.
Explore colleges with 800+ lists: Use this fun online, searchable database from CollegeXpress, which covers everything from academic environments to school spirit.
Think about financial fit: Experiment with the Net Price Calculator to get a rough estimate of what you might likely have to pay for college.
Continue applying for scholarships. This RHS Scholarship Resources document is continually updated with new scholarship information.
Appealing financial aid: Read up on what to do if your financial aid offer doesn’t line up with your budget. And make sure to listen to this podcast before writing an appeal letter.
Making your final college choice: It’s decision time. You need to enroll and submit a deposit by May 1st (or a few days after, depending on the school).
ISD 728 and Thumbs UP partner up for a NEW After School Program for Teens:
The Rogers Teen After-School Program will be open weekly every Wednesday from 2:15-5:00pm.
Everyone who wants to attend must pre-register on our website. Register here: https://form.jotform.com/233405320954148
We must also have a parent/guardian waiver on file in order to attend. Parent waiver: https://form.jotform.com/233395186020049
We will have free snacks, activities, and other fun things like Therapy Dogs from You're Not Alone, Bean Bag Toss, arts & crafts, and other fun things going on!
More information can be found on our website: https://thumbsupformentalhealth.org/youth-mental-health/
Resources to Help Our Kids Thrive from -
Talking to Kids about Sex and Dating: We don’t expect kids to always make good decisions. But when it comes to sex and dating, it’s important for parents to talk to kids about the physical and emotional consequences of sex, no matter how awkward it feels for both parties.
Dispelling ADHD Myths and Misunderstandings: While ADHD is common, it’s often misunderstood. For example, many parents are surprised to learn that, despite its name, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder doesn’t always present as hyperactivity in kids. And kids with ADHD don’t have a deficit of attention but rather a tough time direction their attention to things that don’t feel rewarding, like homework.
Mental Health & Substance Use Disorder Resource www.Fast-TrackerMN.org
Fast-Tracker can help you find:
Programs, Services & Provider Availability
Appointment Information
Funding and/or Insurance Information
Community Calendar, Events, FAQs & Resources
Advocates & Support Groups
Crisis Contacts & Emergency Information
The RHS Counseling Department (Counselors assigned by Grade)
Grade 9 (A-R): Ms. Morrison - dawn.morrison@isd728.org
Grade 10 (A-R): Ms. Bartus - anne.bartus@isd728.org
Grade 11 (A-R): Ms. Shrestha - jacy.shrestha@isd728.org
Grade 9, 10, 11 (S-Z): Mr. Miller - daniel.miller@isd728.org
Grade 12: Ms. Macken - shannon.macken@isd728.org
College & Career: Ms. Fanning - holly.fanning@isd728.org
CTE Newsletter
Check out the April CTE Newsletter to see the latest updates!
Congratulations to Rogers Boys Basketball Section 8AAAA Champions; they participated in the State Basketball Tournament in March. Way to go Royals!
Good luck to all Spring Sports Athletes as all sports are underway. Please visit NWSC Conference Website for all up to date game schedules.
Find all RHS Athletic information at GOROGERSROYALS and Twitter @geauxroyals
Performances of the RHS Spring Play These Shining Lives by Melanie Marnich
Performances are April 18th, 19th, and 20th at 7pm
Matinee performance on April 20th at 2pm
Rogers High School Performing Arts Center
Tickets can be purchased at the door: $5 for students and $7 for adults
Food Service Calendar
Please email Chromebook Help
Safety and Internet Filtering at Home
ISD 728 Chromebooks will continue to have filtering to help protect students against harmful and inappropriate online material.
Despite the District’s attempt to filter and provide additional protections outside of school, parents/guardians still play an important role in supervising their child's internet access and usage. Parents are encouraged to discuss rules for appropriate internet usage, and reinforce lessons of digital citizenship and safety. Please review our technology responsible use guidelines and visit www.isd728.org/Digital-Health-
- Visit here for more information about what is filtered.
- Visit GoGuardian Parent App for information on how parents and guardians can monitor their children's Chromebook browsing activity, and choose to block sites such as YouTube.
Contact Us
RHS Main Office: 763-274-3140
RHS Attendance: 763-274-3140 x1604
ISD #728 Attendance Line: 763-241-3555
Jason Paurus
Ryan Johnson
Asst Principal
Last Names: A—Ham
763-274-3140 x1602
Jill Engquist
Asst Principal
Last Names: Han—O
763-274-3140 x1603
Kevin Jost
Asst Principal
Last Names: P—Z
763-274-3140 x1784
Dan Ohlgren
Activities Director
763-274-3140 x1605
Our Mission
At Rogers High School we educate, inspire and empower through developing positive relationships, pursuing excellence, seeking diversity, and building futures.
Our 7 Core Values
We BELIEVE that...
1 | ALL people have value. |
2 | Valuing and respecting differences strengthens the individual and the community. |
3 | People thrive when they feel connected, supported and affirmed. |
4 | Everyone can learn. |
5 | Hope inspires and empowers. |
6 | Lifelong learning is essential for personal growth. |
7 | Change is an opportunity for growth. |
Attendance Corner
To report your student(s) ill, or to notify us of upcoming appointments, vacations, sporting events, or other special events, please visit your Campus Parent Portal. You can also call the Attendance Line: 763-241-3555; press 3 for Rogers; press 3 for Rogers High School.
- Student Name
- Student Grade
- Reason and length of the absence
- Caller information
Early Release from School:
- Student Name
- Student Grade
- Time student needs to be released
- Reason for student being released
Students need to check in/out with the Attendance Administrative Assistant.
If you receive an automated call saying your student was marked absent from school or class, please check your Parent Portal for more details on the absence. If your student feels they were marked absent in error, please clarify it with their teacher.
For more detailed instructions, please visit our district WEBSITE.
Quick Links
We love our parent/guardian volunteers and have some great opportunities available. A few examples are: supervise lunches, field trip chaperone, math tutor, and provide treats for staff during conferences/staff appreciation. If you're interested in volunteering or have any questions, please contact Quinn Stull at quinn.stull@isd728.org.