RHS February 2024
Upcoming Dates
2/12-2/16 - Snow Week
2/19 - President's Day, No School
Please check the RHS Calendar for all the details
Snow Week
February 12 - Pajama Day
February 13- Teacher/Student Swap Day
February 14 - Red/Pink Day
February 15 - Twin Day
February 16 - Decade Day- Freshman 60's, Sophomores 70's, Juniors 80's, Seniors 90's
Did you know?
- Did you know that Rogers High School offers Homework Help? It is available in Room C101 from 7:05-7:30 am, and on Wednesdays from 7:05-7:55 am.
- Did you know that we have a school store? The Rogers One-Stop DECA Shoppe is open during lunch, and also has an online store!
- Did you know that the senior All Night Grad Party is put on by parents and has its own website? Please be sure to visit HERE for upcoming events!
Class of 2024 News
High School Graduation is an exciting occasion. The graduation celebration for RHS seniors and their families is Wednesday, June 5, at 7 pm in the Rogers High School Fieldhouse.
Please be sure to check our website for any new updates!
Upcoming Events
Parking is on a first-come, first-served basis. Students who park in the school lots must display a valid parking permit. Vehicles not displaying a valid parking permit may receive an RHS Parking Violation and a possible fine. Student parking is NOT permitted in the RAC lot or in visitor and staff parking (parking at the RAC or visitor/staff parking spaces will be towed).
All student drivers must purchase a parking permit and park ONLY in designated parking areas at RHS and RMS:
- Seniors and juniors can park in the main lot, RHS Performing Arts Center, and the student section of the RMS lot.
- Sophomores must park in the RMS lot.
- Students must possess a valid driver's license to purchase a parking permit.
- Rogers High School reserves the right to close sales due to parking lots being at full capacity.
- RHS will issue one permit to each student who completes both the payment and web form. Whether early/ late arrival, PSEO, or part-time, the parking permit fee is $90.00.
Please visit our website to purchase a parking permit.
Vehicles not displaying permit or parked in locations other than designated areas are subject to ticketing/towing.
Yearbook Information
Families can order yearbooks HERE
Please visit THIS SITE which contains family and parent resources to support mental health, social and emotional learning (job preparedness skills), safety, alcohol and substance abuse and more. The information on this page will be updated regularly with new resources, community events relating to these issues and other important information relating to Prevention & Safety.
Sherburne County Substance Use Prevention Coalition
The SUP Coalition is a community-focused coalition comprised of individuals
that reside or work in Sherburne County and are committed to reducing
youth substance use through community collaboration.
From the Health Office
- Health Office Staff: 763-274-3147 Fax: 763-274-3141
Lora Benson - Licensed School Nurse 763-241-3400, ext 1607
Mellisa Abrahamson - Health Services Assistant
Stacy Decker - Health Services Assistant (Part-Time)
- All students going home ill during the school day need to be seen in Health Services in order for their absence to be excused.
- If your student is reaching out to you to go home, please have them go to the Health Office
- Health Services staff will need to speak to a parent prior to the student being checked-out of school
- Please notify Health Services of any Communicable Diseases (Strep, Influenza, Pertussis, etc)
Hearing & Vision Screenings for Students:
ISD 728 is no longer scheduling mass vision and hearing screenings. However, if you have a vision and/or hearing concern regarding your child, a request for screening can be made by completing this online request form. Screenings will be performed upon request only, by completing this online request form.
Communicable Disease & Infections:
Influenza season is just around the corner and as we know, illnesses are prevalent in our schools. Health
Services offices are structured to keep students in school as much as possible so they can meet their
educational goals. Unfortunately, there are times when students need to stay home to get well in order to
prevent exposure and the spread of illness to others. If your child has been diagnosed with a communicable
disease, such as influenza, strep throat, COVID-19, please report these confirmations to the Health Services
Personnel in your child’s school building. Reporting forms are no longer available on the district website for
● Influenza Information from Minnesota Department of Health
● COVID-19 Information from Minnesota Department of Health
● Communicable Diseases & Infections from Minnesota Department of Health
From the Counseling Office
2/2 - No School (Staff development day)
2/7 - Thumbs Up opens new teen program @ Rogers Activity Center
2/19 - No School (President’s Day)
2/21 - College Credit and PSEO Information Session @ 7:15am in the RHS PAC
2/21 - RHS Local Scholarship Application for Seniors OPENS
2/26- Career Exploration Fair@ Elk River High School 4:30-6:00pm
3/13 - RHS Local Scholarship Application DUE 12pm (no exceptions)
3/15 - 10th grade Mock Interview Day at RHS
4/9 - 11th grade ACT
4/9 - 10th grade Postsecondary Tour Day (off campus)
4/9 - 9th grade Volunteer Day (off campus)
4/19 Job Hiring Fair @ RHS Fieldhouse 10:30am-12:30pm
ISD 728 and Thumbs UP partner up for a NEW After School Program for Teens:
The Rogers Teen After-School Program will launch on Wednesday, February 7th at the RAC! We will be open weekly every Wednesday from 2:15-5:00pm.
Everyone who wants to attend must pre-register on our website. Register here: https://form.jotform.com/233405320954148
We must also have a parent/guardian waiver on file in order to attend. Parent waiver: https://form.jotform.com/233395186020049
We will have free snacks, activities, and other fun things like Therapy Dogs from You're Not Alone, Bean Bag Toss, arts & crafts, and other fun things going on!
More information can be found on our website: https://thumbsupformentalhealth.org/youth-mental-health/
Resources to Help Our Kids Thrive from - The Child Mind Institute
How is the ADHD Brain Different: Studies have shown that the brains of kids with ADHD develop differently than those of other kids. Those differences can be connected to common symptoms of the discored, concluding inattention, hyperactivity , and impulsivity.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder in Kids: Kids with generalized anxiety disorder, or GAD, worry about things in general. THey tend to fixate on worst-case scenarios and agonize over relatively ordinary situations and they feel such a strong need to be perfect that they worry excessively that they aren’t doing well enough.
Mental Health & Substance Use Disorder Resource www.Fast-TrackerMN.org
Fast-Tracker can help you find:
- Programs, Services & Provider Availability
- Appointment Information
- Funding and/or Insurance Information
- Community Calendar, Events, FAQs & Resources
- Advocates & Support Groups
- Crisis Contacts & Emergency Information
Kids, Phones, and Social Media from from The Child Mind Institute
- Mental Health Tips for Teenagers: Reaching out for help can be difficult - who do you tell? How do you start the conversation? And what do you do when someone your care about is struggling?
- How to Help Kids Get Organized: Being disorganized can cause a great deal of grief for kids with executive function issues and ADHD. But with the right tools - and the right support - they can build the skills they need to overcome organizational challenges, get better at managing their time, stop losing things, and start feeling more in control.
The RHS Counseling Department (Counselors assigned by Grade)
Grade 9 (A-R): Ms. Morrison - dawn.morrison@isd728.org
Grade 10 (A-R): Ms. Bartus - anne.bartus@isd728.org
Grade 11 (A-R): Ms. Shrestha - jacy.shrestha@isd728.org
Grade 9, 10, 11 (S-Z): Mr. Miller - daniel.miller@isd728.org
Grade 12: Ms. Macken - shannon.macken@isd728.org
College & Career: Ms. Fanning - holly.fanning@isd728.org
Mark Your Calendars!
10th Grade Postsecondary Tour Day (off campus): Tuesday, April 9th- Parents/Guardians: Mark your calendars if you plan to accompany your student on a college visit on this date. The day has been reserved as a virtual school day for 10th graders to accommodate time for this valuable experience. More information and resources to come!
9th Grade Volunteer Day: Tuesday, April 9th- This date has been reserved as a virtual school day for 9th graders to allow time to gain volunteer experience. Stay tuned for more information and suggested opportunities!
Upcoming College Visits @ RHS: Sign up HERE
These visits take place in the RHS College & Career Center (D109)
Feb 6 @ 9:00am |
Saint John’s University/College of Saint Benedict |
Feb 9 @ 1:30pm |
Minnesota State University - Mankato |
Feb 15 @ 1:30pm |
North Hennepin Community College |
Feb 27 @ 1:30pm |
Minnesota North College |
Career Exploration Fair
Grades 9-12
Monday, February 26, 4:30-6:30pm @ Elk River High School
FREE ADMISSION! Explore Career Options!
Talk 1 on 1 with representatives from: schools, community education, science, engineering, parks & recreation, public services, health care, large businesses, small businesses, military, technology, marketing, communications, finance, law, transportation and much more! RSVP HERE
Mock Interviews for Sophomores

We are excited to announce that all 10th grade students will participate in our Mock Interview Day on March 15. We are happy to provide our students in 10th grade with this real world mock interview experience, while increasing our community partnerships.
PSEO & College Credit Opportunities Meeting
Feb. 21, 2024 @ 7:15am in the PAC
(note the time is in the morning!)
Any RHS 10th or 11th grade student who is considering PSEO next year must attend the information session. *A parent/guardian should attend with their student*
(Students who are currently enrolled in PSEO do not need to attend.)
This information session will review the requirements and application process for PSEO (Post Secondary Enrollment Options) for high school students. Sophomores must attend this PSEO meeting before they can schedule an individual planning session with their counselor. If you cannot attend the meeting, it will be recorded and you must watch the recording before scheduling an individual planning session with your counselor.
More information about PSEO can be found on the RHS Website.
RHS Local Scholarship Program
Any RHS senior planning to attend a technical, community or four year college should apply for the Local Scholarships which will be available on February 21, 2024 on the RHS Scholarships Website. Seniors will also be reminded via Schoology and Campus Messenger when the application is live. Applications will be DUE at 12pm on Wednesday, March 13, 2024.
Complete the FAFSA for a chance to WIN $500!!
Ready, Set, FAFSA!
Did you miss the January series of financial aid webinars? You are in luck! You can view the recordings and other helpful materials from MN Goes to College by Clicking Here. These videos were created specifically for students and families to help them prepare for the college-going process.
If you have questions about the FAFSA or need assistance with your application, please attend a WIN session with Ms. Fanning or email her to schedule a meeting: holly.fanning@isd728.org
RHS Students - are you looking for a job?
Stay tuned for more information about the
Hiring Job Fair
@ RHS Field house during 4th hour on
Friday, April 19th!!
Looking for more opportunities? Check out this list of:
Spring Testing Dates
Date |
Test |
Who |
April 16-17 |
MCA Reading |
10th Grade |
April 9 |
11th Grade |
April 23-24 |
MCA Math |
11th Grade |
April 30-May 1 |
MCA Science |
10th Grade |
ACT Practice: FREE Test Prep Materials on MCIS
All ISD728 students have access to FREE Test Prep Materials on the Minnesota Career Information System - MCIS. Students access this website via Rapid Identity. View Login Information Here
ACT (Practice Test & Online Course)
PSAT/SAT (Practice Test & Online Course)
Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)
ACT WorkKeys
College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST)
Academic Skills Question Bank (Math, Reading, Writing, Science)
Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)
CTE Newsletter
Check out the February CTE Newsletter. to see the latest updates!
February Service Project (Royals with a Cause):
In our makerspace, students will work on making fidget tab blankets to donate to Hassan Elementary. We are also making placemats for Valentine’s Day to donate to Wellstead residents in Rogers.
We are looking for projects that will help our local communities. If you have an idea for a community service project for our makerspace, please contact Meagan Harapat, meagan.harapat@isd728.org
List of February Displays:
Black History Month
Blind Date with a Book- Check out a book based on the first line of the book. Check it out and see if it is a match!
Ongoing February
-Trivia Contests
February Events:
February 16 7:00- 7:25 Karaoke
Come to the media center to sing or listen.
February 23 7:00-7:25 Trivia
Come to the media center and participate in a trivia game. There will be prizes!
February 21st- 7:10- 7:40– New Year, New Books
Come learn about some new additions to our library collection. Learn about all of the books that won this year’s awards. You are sure to find some books to add to your lists!
Trap League
Is your Rogers High School interested in trap shooting/clay target? If so, please attend one night to sign up on either Monday, February 5 or Tuesday, February 6. The meetings start at 6 PM and will be in the RHS Media Center. A parent must attend this meeting or your student can not join. These are the ONLY two nights to sign up so please mark your calendars. If you have any questions, please email Dirk Udee, Trap Team Head Coach, at Dirk.Udee@ISD728.org beforehand.
3/25/2024 - BOYS TENNIS
Spring Sports Online Registrations will open February 5, 2024.
Find all RHS Athletic information at GOROGERSROYALS and Twitter @geauxroyals
Congratulations to the One Act Play who took 5th place in Sections!
Food Service Calendar
Please email Chromebook Help
Safety and Internet Filtering at Home
ISD 728 Chromebooks will continue to have filtering to help protect students against harmful and inappropriate online material.
Despite the District’s attempt to filter and provide additional protections outside of school, parents/guardians still play an important role in supervising their child's internet access and usage. Parents are encouraged to discuss rules for appropriate internet usage, and reinforce lessons of digital citizenship and safety. Please review our technology responsible use guidelines and visit www.isd728.org/Digital-Health-
- Visit here for more information about what is filtered.
- Visit GoGuardian Parent App for information on how parents and guardians can monitor their children's Chromebook browsing activity, and choose to block sites such as YouTube.
Contact Us
RHS Main Office: 763-274-3140
RHS Attendance: 763-274-3140 x1604
ISD #728 Attendance Line: 763-241-3555
Jason Paurus
Ryan Johnson
Asst Principal
Last Names: A—Ham
763-274-3140 x1602
Jill Engquist
Asst Principal
Last Names: Han—O
763-274-3140 x1603
Kevin Jost
Asst Principal
Last Names: P—Z
763-274-3140 x1784
Dan Ohlgren
Activities Director
763-274-3140 x1605
Our Mission
At Rogers High School we educate, inspire and empower through developing positive relationships, pursuing excellence, seeking diversity, and building futures.
Our 7 Core Values
We BELIEVE that...
1 | ALL people have value. |
2 | Valuing and respecting differences strengthens the individual and the community. |
3 | People thrive when they feel connected, supported and affirmed. |
4 | Everyone can learn. |
5 | Hope inspires and empowers. |
6 | Lifelong learning is essential for personal growth. |
7 | Change is an opportunity for growth. |
Attendance Corner
To report your student(s) ill, or to notify us of upcoming appointments, vacations, sporting events, or other special events, please visit your Campus Parent Portal. You can also call the Attendance Line: 763-241-3555; press 3 for Rogers; press 3 for Rogers High School.
- Student Name
- Student Grade
- Reason and length of the absence
- Caller information
Early Release from School:
- Student Name
- Student Grade
- Time student needs to be released
- Reason for student being released
Students need to check in/out with the Attendance Administrative Assistant.
If you receive an automated call saying your student was marked absent from school or class, please check your Parent Portal for more details on the absence. If your student feels they were marked absent in error, please clarify it with their teacher.
For more detailed instructions, please visit our district WEBSITE.
Quick Links
We love our parent/guardian volunteers and have some great opportunities available. A few examples are: supervise lunches, field trip chaperone, math tutor, and provide treats for staff during conferences/staff appreciation. If you're interested in volunteering or have any questions, please contact Quinn Stull at quinn.stull@isd728.org.