RHS January 2023
January 2023
Upcoming Dates
1/16 - No School, MLK Jr. Day
1/23 - Choir Concert
1/26 - Last Day of 1st Semester
1/27 - No School (Teacher Workshop Day)
1/30 - First Day of 2nd Semester
2/21 - Virtual PSEO Information Session @ 5:30pm
2/22 - In-Person PSEO Information Session @ 7:15am
2/27 - Career Exploration Fair @ Elk River High School
Please check the RHS Calendar for all the details
Mark your calendar for our annual RHS Family Fun Fest, which will take place on Saturday, May 20th from 9-1. This is an event with something for everyone! Funds raised will help pay for things such as transportation for college/ career experiences, experiential learning, assistive technology, PBIS rewards, field tips and classroom supplies. Visit our WEBSITE for more information. See you there!
Contact Quinn Stull at quinn.stull@isd728.org if you are interested in volunteering or have any questions. RHS Volunteer Sign-Up 22’-23’
Winter Weather
Winter weather has arrived! Please remind your student(s) to allow extra time for driving and parking, as well as to slow down in inclement weather!
Parking is on a first-come, first-served basis. Students who park in the school lots must display a valid parking permit. Vehicles not displaying a valid parking permit may receive an RHS Parking Violation and a possible fine. Student parking is NOT permitted in the RAC lot or in visitor and staff parking (parking at the RAC or visitor/staff parking spaces will be towed).
All student drivers must purchase a parking permit and park ONLY in designated parking areas at RHS and RMS:
- Seniors and juniors can park in the main lot, RHS Performing Arts Center, and the student section of the RMS lot.
- Sophomores must park in the RMS lot.
- Students must possess a valid driver's license to purchase a parking permit.
- Rogers High School reserves the right to close sales due to parking lots being at full capacity.
- RHS will issue one permit to each student who completes both the payment and web form. Whether early/ late arrival, PSEO, or part-time, the parking permit fee is $90.00.
Please visit our WEBSITE to purchase a parking permit.
Vehicles not displaying a permit or parked in locations other than designated areas are subject to ticketing/towing.
Student Bar Codes
NEW!!! Students are now required to have their barcode to sign in when arriving late, for purchasing lunch, as well as visiting specified areas of the school. Please remind your student(s) to have their barcode easily accessible!!!
Yearbook Information
Families can order yearbooks HERE
Blanket Drive: NHS, World Language club and others donated 86 tie blankets to Children's Hospital Minneapolis. In the past 4-5 years, we have donated over 600 blankets to Children's.
Socktober Drive: NHS and RHS donated 831 pairs of new socks to CROSS. In the past 4 years, we have donated over 3,900 pairs of socks. Thank you to all who donated.
AP Chemistry Modeling Lab
Please visit THIS SITE which contains family and parent resources to support mental health, social and emotional learning (job preparedness skills), safety, alcohol and substance abuse and more. The information on this page will be updated regularly with new resources, community events relating to these issues and other important information relating to Prevention & Safety.
Sherburne County Substance Use Prevention Coalition
The SUP Coalition is a community-focused coalition comprised of individuals
that reside or work in Sherburne County and are committed to reducing
youth substance use through community collaboration.
Developing a strong bond with your child, especially during the teenage years, can help teens form their own values that will help them make positive choices throughout their lives.
Both SAMHSA and SUP have some products that can help get you started.
What is Fentanyl?
School Resource Officer (SRO)
Detective / SRO Amy Berglund has transitioned back to patrol duties, as her 5-year assignment as School Resource Officer (SRO) has reached its end. Det. Berglund was the RHS SRO for the past 3 years. Detective Adam Dupic, who has been the SRO at Rogers Middle School since 2019, has now transitioned to Rogers High School. Detective Dupic has been a law enforcement officer for 15 years, and has worked as an SRO for the past 3 years. He is married, and has four children (two middle schoolers, an elementary schooler, and a 10 month old). Dupic is most excited about seeing the 8th graders from when he first became an SRO at RMS as current Seniors at RHS.
With the transition of Detective Berglund and Dupic, Rogers Police and ISD 728 welcome Detective Clayton Justen, who is now assigned as the RMS SRO.
Contact the Health Office
Health Services Assistant: Mellisa Abrahamson mellisa.abrahamson@isd728.org
Licensed School Nurse: Lora Benson lora.benson@isd728.org
RHS Health Office 763-274-3147
From Health Services:
- COVID-19: Student - Positive COVID-19 Test Form
- Donations to the Health Office are appreciated! We could use the following items:
- Any new/used sweatpants for boys/girls in a variety of sizes
- Kleenex Boxes
- Sanitary Products
- Health Office Staff: 763-274-3147 Fax: 763-274-3141
- Lora Benson - Licensed School Nurse
- Mellisa Abrahamson - Health Services Assistant
- Stacy Decker - Health Services Assistant (Part-Time)
PSEO Info Session - Feb. 21 & 22, 2023
Any RHS 10th or 11th grade student who is considering PSEO next year should attend one of these informative information sessions. Students who are currently enrolled in PSEO, you do not need to attend.
Virtual PSEO Information Session - Tues, February 21 @ 5:30 pm (Google Meet Link)
In-Person PSEO Information Session - Wed, February 22 @ 7:15 am (RHS Media Center)
These information sessions will review the requirements and application process for PSEO (Post Secondary Enrollment Options) for high school students. Please register for a full schedule at RHS during registration, and your schedule will be adjusted in the spring, after your PSEO application is completed. Sophomores must attend the PSEO meeting before they can schedule an individual Planning Session with your counselor.
More information about PSEO can be found on the RHS website.
Career Exploration Fair - Grades 9-12
Monday, February 27, 4:30-6:30pm @ Elk River High School
FREE ADMISSION! Explore Career Options!
Talk 1 on 1 with representatives from: schools, community education, science, engineering, parks & recreation, public services, health care, large businesses, small businesses, military, technology, marketing, communications, finance, law, transportation and much more! RSVP Here
Family Resource Center - Child Mind Institute
Find information to help you support children who are struggling with mental health, behavior or learning challenges. Explore popular topics like:
- ADHD & Attention
- Anxiety
- Autism
- Behavior Problems
- Depression & Mood Disorders
- Learning Disorders
- Screen Time & Technology
- Teens & Young Adults
Mental Health & Substance Use Disorder Resource www.Fast-TrackerMN.org
Fast-Tracker can help you find:
- Programs, Services & Provider Availability
- Appointment Information
- Funding and/or Insurance Information
- Community Calendar, Events, FAQs & Resources
- Advocates & Support Groups
- Crisis Contacts & Emergency Information
The RHS Counseling Department (Counselors assigned by Grade)
Grade 9 (A-Q): Ms. Bartus - anne.bartus@isd728.org
Grade 10 (A-Q): Ms. Shrestha - jacy.shrestha@isd728.org
Grade 9 & 10 (R-Z): Mr. Miller - daniel.miller@isd728.org
Grade 11: Ms. Macken - shannon.macken@isd728.org
Grade 12: Ms. Morrison - dawn.morrison@isd728.org
College & Career: Ms. Handrick - lauren.handrick@isd728.org
FREE Test Prep Materials on MCIS
All ISD728 students have access to FREE Test Prep Materials on the Minnesota Career Information System - MCIS. Students access this website via Rapid Identity. View Login Instructions HERE
- ACT (Practice Test & Online Course)
- PSAT/SAT (Practice Test & Online Course)
- Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)
- ACT WorkKeys
- College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
- DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST)
- Academic Skills Question Bank (Math, Reading, Writing, Science)
- Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)
January “Future-Planning” Tasks by Grade
- 5 Ways to Spend Your High School Summer: Think about your summer in the context of how your choices can help you to lead a happier life (really!).
- Micro-scholarships: It’s never too early to start thinking about how to pay for college. Begin building your RaiseMe profile now.
- 80 Extracurricular Activity Examples: Wondering what other students listed on their applications? These examples may inspire you.
- Activity Log: Remember to update your log so you don’t forget what you’ve done. And this is a great time to inventory your extracurricular activities. Where do you want to deepen your involvement? And what do you want to let go?
- 5 ways to Spend Your High School Summer: Think about your summer in the context of how your choices can help you to lead a happier life (really!).
- How to Create a College List (with spreadsheet tracker): If you haven’t already, begin to create your list with this guide.
- Essential Advice for Low-Income/First-Gen Students: Get key tips and resources, including learning about the chance to visit college campuses for free.
- AP practice resources: If you’re taking AP exams in May, here’s how to prep.
- What to do if you’re deferred or waitlisted: Review your application and determine whether you want to write a letter of continued interest. And if you’re confused about the purpose of a waitlist, read this blog post by an admission director.
- Keep searching for scholarships.
ISD 728 Career and Technical Education
- RHS Job Shadow Days and DECA
- RHS 9th Grade Reality Fair
- Donation to all 3 District High School construction programs for a total of $11,100
- Career Fair for parents and students of ISD 728 and surrounding communities February 27, 4:30-6:30 pm
Find all RHS Athletic information at GOROGERSROYALS and Twitter @geauxroyals
Spring Trap Team: Any current Rogers HS students (grades 9 - 12) who are interested in joining the Spring Trap Team should plan on attending one of the following sign-up evenings. Attend, with a parent, on either Monday, February 6 at 6:30 PM in the RHS Media Center OR Wednesday, February 8 at 6:30 PM in Room E102. A parent must attend or you are unable to join. Fees, season schedules, and team expectations will be discussed during those times. All interested RHS students must also be in good academic standing. One Act Play: Community Night for RHS's One Act Play The Yellow Boat by David Saar will be on Wednesday, January 25th at 7pm. The show is a "pay what you can" show, where all proceeds will go directly back to our booster program. There is mature content in this show, and it is not recommended for young children.
Food Service Calendar
Please email Chromebook Help
Safety and Internet Filtering at Home
ISD 728 Chromebooks will continue to have filtering to help protect students against harmful and inappropriate online material.
Despite the District’s attempt to filter and provide additional protections outside of school, parents/guardians still play an important role in supervising their child's internet access and usage. Parents are encouraged to discuss rules for appropriate internet usage, and reinforce lessons of digital citizenship and safety. Please review our technology responsible use guidelines and visit www.isd728.org/Digital-Health-
- Visit here for more information about what is filtered.
- Visit GoGuardain Parent App for information on how parents and guardians can monitor their children's Chromebook browsing activity, and choose to block sites such as YouTube.
Costa Rica 2024
Only seven (7) spots are left for RHS Spanish students for the trip to Costa Rica in June, 2024! Click HERE for more information or email Mr. Harapat. The trip is open to all RHS students who have, or will have, completed at least one full year of Spanish at RHS by June, 2024. Come join the fun! ¡Pura vida!
RHS 2022 Yearbooks! Click here and order from Jostens or go to the Rogers High School website.
Contact Us
RHS Main Office: 763-274-3140
RHS Attendance: 763-274-3140 x1604
ISD #728 Attendance Line: 763-241-3555
Jason Paurus
Ryan Johnson
Asst Principal
Last Names: A—Ham
763-274-3140 x1602
Jill Engquist
Asst Principal
Last Names: Han—O
763-274-3140 x1603
Kevin Jost
Asst Principal
Last Names: P—Z
763-274-3140 x1784
Dan Ohlgren
Activities Director
763-274-3140 x1605
Our Mission
At Rogers High School we educate, inspire and empower through developing positive relationships, pursuing excellence, seeking diversity, and building futures.
Our 7 Core Values
We BELIEVE that...
1 | ALL people have value. |
2 | Valuing and respecting differences strengthens the individual and the community. |
3 | People thrive when they feel connected, supported and affirmed. |
4 | Everyone can learn. |
5 | Hope inspires and empowers. |
6 | Lifelong learning is essential for personal growth. |
7 | Change is an opportunity for growth. |
Attendance Corner
If you know your student(s) upcoming appointments, vacations, sporting events, or other special events, please inform the attendance office. Feel free to call or send a note with your student. We will contact you if we have any concerns.
Visit Campus Parent Portal
or call 763-274-3140 x1604
Upcoming Events
September 18, 2023
September 19, 2023
September 20, 2023
September 21, 2023
September 22, 2023
Quick Links
We love our parent/guardian volunteers and we have some great opportunities available. Click the link to see all of the opportunities that we have. A few examples are: field trip chaperone, math tutor and help with RHS Family Fun Fest. Contact Quinn Stull at quinn.stull@isd728.org if you are interested in volunteering or have any questions. RHS Volunteer Sign-Up 22’-23’
Place your order HERE through Jostens!