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RHS November 2024

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Upcoming Dates

11/28 - 11/29 - No School, Fall Break

Please check the RHS Calendar for all the details 

Phone Policy Reminder

REMINDER: This school year, RHS is implementing a new limited-access policy to enhance our students' academic experience and personal well-being.  Many students and teachers have reported higher levels of engagement, less drama, and improved grades! Under this new policy, cell phone use is not permitted in the classroom.  We appreciate the conversations you may have with your child about the importance of responsible phone use.  

Did you know parents can turn off cell phone access during the school day?  You are encouraged to review the settings on your child's cell phone or contact your carrier to find out how to prohibit your child from accessing content between 7:30 and 2:10.  Eliminating this barrier to academic success may significantly impact your child's learning and well-being!

Afternoon Student Pick-Up Procedures

As you may have noticed, afternoon traffic congestion can become significant on 141st Avenue. To minimize delays and ensure a smoother pick-up process, we kindly request that you refrain from arriving at RHS before 2:10 PM.

To facilitate a steady flow of traffic:

  • Please wait until after 2:10 PM to begin your pick-up process.
  • When dropping off or picking up students, please proceed all the way through the traffic circle before stopping. This will help maintain a consistent traffic flow.

Your cooperation in following these guidelines will help alleviate traffic congestion and ensure a safe and efficient pick-up process for all students.

Did you know?

Did you know that we have a school store?  The Rogers One-Stop DECA Shoppe is open during lunch, and also has an online store!


First page of the PDF file: TDOGSocialMedia1

2024 Fall Musical

Class of 2025 News

Senior photos and Recognition Ads are due November 25, 2024.

The link to submit photos is:

Class of 2025 All Night Grad Party planning is underway! ANGP takes place following the RHS Graduation ceremony and is an exclusive celebration for the RHS class of 2025! Volunteer parents from all grades are needed to help plan fundraisers and the event itself so we can give our graduates an unforgettable, safe, sober, and FUN grad night party. Parents must opt into our email list to get updates on the party, fundraising, and volunteer opportunities. Visit to sign up for emails and complete our volunteer form to let us know how you can help! If you have any questions, please email us at

Please visit our WEBSITE for all information about Graduation

National Honor Society

A heartfelt thank you to all the students, staff, families, and community members who generously contributed to our recent National Honor Society Book Drive. Thanks to your support, we collected over 1,400 books! These books have been donated to Rogers schools and the Books for Africa organization, where they will make a meaningful difference in the lives of students locally and globally. We couldn’t have done this without your kindness and commitment to literacy—thank you for helping us make an impact!

First page of the PDF file: SOCKTOBER24

Contact Mrs. Shermock (


Order your yearbook today! The link to order is: ORDER YOUR YEARBOOK

Spain Trip 2026

2026 Spain Trip! In June of 2026, the Spanish Department will be running a 10 day trip to Spain. The first informational meeting will be on Wednesday, Nov. 13th at 7:00pm in the RHS Media Center. If you have any questions please contact Mr. Okland (room C105 / 

Spotlight on Students

Rogers High School Art Students Represented at the Northwest Suburban Art Festival Workshop Day

A selected group of advanced RHS art students participated in the Northwest Suburban Conference Arts Festival day at the Minnetonka Center for the Arts. More than 100 students from 14 Northwest Suburban high schools met at MCFTA on October 11 for workshop classes taught throughout the day by area artists.  The Arts Festival day proved to be a great opportunity for these students to meet other highly motivated art students, explore new art making methods and work with professional artists in a fun setting. Pictured below from the left at the Minnetonka Center for the Arts are Allysa Melburg, Jasper Foley, Lola Haben, Toby Godfrey, Morgan Peterson, Abby Siedschlaw, Addie Dunn, Maddy Drevecky and Catherine Simons. 



Please visit THIS SITE which contains family and parent resources to support mental health, social and emotional learning (job preparedness skills), safety, alcohol and substance abuse and more. The information on this page will be updated regularly with new resources, community events relating to these issues and other important information relating to Prevention & Safety. 

The SUP Coalition is a community-focused coalition comprised of individuals
that reside or work in Sherburne County and are committed to reducing
youth substance use through community collaboration.

Substance Use Prevention



From the Health Office

  • Health Office Staff:     763-274-3147  Fax:  763-274-3141

Lora Benson - Licensed School Nurse  763-241-3400, ext 1607

Mellisa Abrahamson - Health Services Assistant

Stacy Decker - Health Services Assistant (Part-Time)

  • All students going home ill during the school day need to be seen in Health Services in order for their absence to be excused.  
    • If your student is reaching out to you to go home, please have them go to the Health Office
    • Health Services staff will need to speak to a parent prior to the student being checked-out of school
  • Please notify Health Services of any Communicable Diseases (Strep, Influenza, Pertussis, etc)

Surgery/Significant Injuries

  • Medical Notes are needed for students that have surgery and/or significant injuries that impact their ability to attend school or when accommodations are needed.
  • Student's should check-in with the Health Office upon their return to school after surgery/significant injury

Health Office Needs:  Donations Greatly Appreciated

  • Girls Sweatpants/Leggings (All Sizes)
  • Deodorant (Mini/Travel Size) - Boys/Girls
  • Socks - Boys/Girls

  Health Services November Information

From the Counseling Office


11/21 - Junior Job Shadow Day

12/17 - ASVAB (must pre-register)

Volunteers Needed - Parents Partnering with Rogers High School

To participate, please complete this brief Rogers High School Parent Partnership Form.  

Sign up for College Visits at RHS

Students in Grades 11-12 are invited to attend college visits in the College & Career Center when local reps visit RHS.  Students can sign up HERE to attend a college visit. 


Nov 1 @ 1:30pm

University of Minnesota - Twin Cities (MN)

Nov 12 @ 1:30 pm

Minneapolis College of Art & Design (MN)

Nov 13 @ 1:30pm

University of Kansas (KS)

Nov 19 @ 1:30pm

Saint Cloud State University (MN)

Nov 21 @ 10:20am

North Hennepin Community College (MN)


Dec 10 @ 1:30pm

The College of St. Scholastica (MN)


ASVAB (Grade 11 & 12)

December 17, 7:30 – 10:30 AM @ Rogers High School

The ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) is recommended for interested Juniors & Seniors who are considering joining the military.  It is a FREE timed, multiple aptitude test developed by the Defense Department (DoD) designed to: 

  • Measure developed abilities and predict future academic and occupational success
  • Determine if you are a good fit to join the service and what branch and job you can hold after basic training or boot camp
  • The better your ASVAB score, the broader your options

Click HERE to sign up

Mental Health & Substance Use Disorder Resource

Fast-Tracker can help you find:

  • Programs, Services & Provider Availability

  • Appointment Information

  • Funding and/or Insurance Information

  • Community Calendar, Events, FAQs & Resources

  • Advocates & Support Groups

  • Crisis Contacts & Emergency Information

The RHS Counseling Department (Counselors assigned by Grade)

Grade 9: Ms. Macken -

Grade 10 (A-S): Ms. Morrison -

Grade 11 (A-S): Ms. Bartus -

Grades 10-11-12 (T-Z): Mr. Miller -

Grade 12 (A-S): Ms. Shrestha -

College & Career: Ms. Handrick



MCIS Test Prep - Self Paced & Free

All ISD728 students can access FREE ACT practice tests and study materials through their MCIS account, which they can access via Once logged into the MCIS website, on the top green bar, select ACT Practice Test or ACT Online Course. 





Create your Student & Parent FSA ID

DEC 1, 2024

FAFSA 2025-26 Application Opens

FAFSA Resources - more information to help navigate the Financial Aid process




  • Local Scholarships - RHS Local Scholarship Application (Coming February 2025) 
  • Employers - Student & Parent
  • Institutional Scholarships - look up scholarships at the colleges you are applying to
  • RHS Scholarship Resources - use the scholarship search engines to find scholarships you may be eligible for.

CTE Updates

Please check out the latest events in the  November CTE Newsletter



Fall Sports:

Congrats to Cara Back, CC Running Section 2nd place - State Participant 15th Place

Congratulations to Girls Volleyball Team: Section 8AAAA  2nd Place

Congratulations to Anya Schmit, Named Miss Baden MN/Miss MN Volleyball.

Winter Sports Registrations is open.  Registrations should be submitted at least 5 days before the season starts to ensure it has been received and processed.

Winter sports practices/tryouts begin as follows:

10/21/24 - Dance Team

10/28/24 - Girls Hockey

11/11/24 - Girls Basketball, Gymnastics, Boys Hockey, Nordic Ski, Alpine Ski (Co-op with NWS, Host Park Center HS)

11/18/24 - Boys Basketball, Wrestling

12/2/24 - Boys Swim and Dive (shared with Elk River)

Coach/Parent/Player Preseason Informational Meetings:

See: for meetings date, time and location.

Sports Physical Reminder:

Sports physicals are required for students participating in sports.  Sports physicals are current for 3 years from the date of exam and must be current for the entire season. Sports Physical Dates on file can be verified on Parent Portal: (Students Name, Health Tab).

Find all RHS Athletic information at GOROGERSROYALS and Twitter @geauxroyals 


Rogers High School is hosting the Northwest Suburban Music Festival on February 2, 2025 at 6:00p.m. in the Rogers Performing Arts Center. This is a Conference Wide Choir and Band Concert. The Festival is open to the public to attend. Tickets are $5 per student and $10 per adult and will be available to purchase through later on this year

Winter Activities begin as follows: Contact Advisor more information.

One Act Play Auditions: 11/18 +11/19

Speech TBD (December) 

Knowledge TBD (December)


Prospective NCAA students and parents, if you are interested in learning more about updates to NCAA eligibility, please consider registering for this free Webinar on Sunday November 3rd. To register, please use this link: NCAA Parent and Student Webinar



Food Service Calendar


Please email Chromebook Help



Safety and Internet Filtering at Home
ISD 728 Chromebooks will continue to have filtering to help protect students against harmful and inappropriate online material. 

Despite the District’s attempt to filter and provide additional protections outside of school, parents/guardians still play an important role in supervising their child's internet access and usage. Parents are encouraged to discuss rules for appropriate internet usage, and reinforce lessons of digital citizenship and safety. Please review our technology responsible use guidelines and visit to learn more about available parent resources.

  • Visit here for more information about what is filtered.  
  • Visit GoGuardian Parent App for information on how parents and guardians can monitor their children's Chromebook browsing activity, and choose to block sites such as YouTube.


Contact Us

RHS Main Office: 763-274-3140

RHS Attendance: 763-274-3140 x1604

ISD #728 Attendance Line: 763-241-3555

Jason Paurus

Ryan Johnson
Asst Principal
Last Names: A—Ham
763-274-3140 x1602

Jill Engquist
Asst Principal
Last Names: Han—O
763-274-3140 x1603

Josh Stephan
Asst Principal
Last Names: P—Z
763-274-3140 x1784

Dan Ohlgren
Activities Director
763-274-3140 x1605

Our Mission

At Rogers High School we educate, inspire and empower through developing positive relationships, pursuing excellence, seeking diversity, and building futures.

Our 7 Core Values

We BELIEVE that... 

1 ALL people have value.
2 Valuing and respecting differences strengthens the individual and the community.
3 People thrive when they feel connected, supported and affirmed.
4 Everyone can learn.
5 Hope inspires and empowers.
6 Lifelong learning is essential for personal growth.
7 Change is an opportunity for growth.

Attendance Corner

  • To report your student(s) ill, or to notify us of upcoming appointments, vacations, sporting events, or other special events, please visit your Campus Parent Portal. You can also call the  Attendance Line: 763-241-3555; press 3 for Rogers; press 3 for Rogers High School.


    • Student Name
    • Student Grade
    • Reason and length of the absence
    • Caller information

    Early Release from School:

    • Student Name
    • Student Grade
    • Time student needs to be released
    • Reason for student being released

    Students need to check in/out with the Attendance Administrative Assistant. 

    If you receive an automated call saying your student was marked absent from school or class, please check your Parent Portal for more details on the absence.  If your student feels they were marked absent in error, please clarify it with their teacher. 

    For more detailed instructions, please visit our district WEBSITE.  


Quick Links



We love our parent/guardian volunteers and have some great opportunities available. A few examples are: supervise lunches, field trip chaperone, math tutor, and provide treats for staff during conferences/staff appreciation. If you're interested in volunteering or have any questions, please contact Quinn Stull at


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