RHS September 2024
Please check the RHS Calendar for all the details
Welcome back families!
As we begin our 22nd year, we are excited to partner with you in educating, inspiring, and empowering our students, staff, families, and community through developing positive relationships, pursuing excellence, seeking diversity and building futures.
At RHS, we believe in the power of gratitude and connection. We want to sincerely thank you for your ongoing support and trust in us as we aim for excellence. It is through your collaboration and involvement that we can create a thriving educational environment where it's always a great day to be a ROYAL!
Please welcome Mr. Josh Stephan- our new Assistant Principal, last names P-Z. Josh comes to us from Minnetonka High School where he has held various leadership roles including teacher leader, administrative dean, intermediate 4/5 lead administrator, and coach. Josh is extremely excited and honored to be joining the team here at RHS and is eager to continue to provide an exceptional learning experience for our students. We are confident that his experience and passion for education will make a positive impact on our school community.
Did you know?
Did you know that we have a school store? The Rogers One-Stop DECA Shoppe is open during lunch, and also has an online store!
Parking 2024-2025
Due to high demand, we will not be selling additional parking permits for Rogers High School during the 2024-2025 school year.
To help alleviate parking congestion, we encourage students to consider alternative transportation options such as:
- Rideshare: Carpooling with friends or classmates
- Vision Transportation: Taking the bus
- Walking or Biking: If feasible
Please note that all vehicles parked on school grounds must have a valid parking permit displayed at all times.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Homecoming Week/Dance
Our Homecoming game will now be played on Thursday, October 10, 2024, and our Homecoming dance will be held on Friday, October 11, 2024. It is important for us to celebrate Homecoming Week on our campus, and we are working to ensure that it is a memorable and enjoyable experience for all.
Thank you for your understanding and support as we navigate this change. We are excited for our RHS community to come together and celebrate our school spirit during Homecoming Week. Remember, it's a great day to be a Royal!
Freshman- gray, sophomores- white, juniors-blue, and seniors-black
2024 Fall Musical
This fall's musical is Disney's Beauty and the Beast
November 1, 2, 7, and 8th at 7pm
November 3 & 9 at 2pm
More information coming soon!
Class of 2025 News
Sign up NOW for the All Night Grad Party Mailing list! Stay up to date on meetings, fundraisers, events, ticket sales, and more so you and your student won't miss a thing! Sign up on our website: https://rhsgradparty.
The ANGP Committee is looking for parent leaders from all grades to plan for the Class of 2025 party. Email us at rogersangp@gmail.com for more information! Our group is responsible for planning the event as well as fundraising to provide entertainment, prizes, gifts, and more!
Please plan ahead for your student's appointments/early dismissals. It is important to communicate with your student when they are to leave. While we understand that last minute needs do arise, we try to minimize interrupting class time.
RHS does not have an open campus. Students who are scheduled to be here for in person classes or lunch are not allowed to leave to go to their cars, coffee shops, restaurants or home.
PSEO and online students ARE allowed to leave the building during times they do not have in-person classes or lunch.
National Honor Society
The National Honor Society application deadline is September 17 at 10:30 AM. The application can be found on the NHS page of the Rogers High School webpage (found under Academics tab). Contact Mrs. Shermock (tracy.shermock@isd728.org)
Please visit THIS SITE which contains family and parent resources to support mental health, social and emotional learning (job preparedness skills), safety, alcohol and substance abuse and more. The information on this page will be updated regularly with new resources, community events relating to these issues and other important information relating to Prevention & Safety.
Sherburne County Substance Use Prevention Coalition
The SUP Coalition is a community-focused coalition comprised of individuals
that reside or work in Sherburne County and are committed to reducing
youth substance use through community collaboration.
SUP Coalition August/September 2024 Newsletter
We invite you to consider joining the Sherburne County Substance Use Prevention (SUP) Coalition. Click the link below for more information.
From the Health Office
- Health Office Staff: 763-274-3147 Fax: 763-274-3141
Lora Benson - Licensed School Nurse 763-241-3400, ext 1607
Mellisa Abrahamson - Health Services Assistant
Stacy Decker - Health Services Assistant (Part-Time)
- All students going home ill during the school day need to be seen in Health Services in order for their absence to be excused.
- If your student is reaching out to you to go home, please have them go to the Health Office
- Health Services staff will need to speak to a parent prior to the student being checked-out of school
- Please notify Health Services of any Communicable Diseases (Strep, Influenza, Pertussis, etc)
Welcome Back Information from Health Services (Please Read)
Health Office Needs: Donations Greatly Appreciated
- Girls Sweatpants/Leggings (All Sizes)
- Deodorant (Mini/Travel Size) - Boys/Girls
- Socks - Boys/Girls
Hearing & Vision Screenings for Students:
ISD 728 is no longer scheduling mass vision and hearing screenings. However, if you have a vision and/or hearing concern regarding your child, a request for screening can be made by completing this online request form. Screenings will be performed upon request only, by completing this online request form.
From the Counseling Office
10/15 - Parent Teacher Conferences, RHS College Fair & "Paying for College" Presentation
10/25 - EPIC Field Trip (10th grade)
10/30 - PSAT (Registration closes on 9/20)
RHS College Fair & ‘Paying for College’ Presentation
Tuesday, October 15, 2022
COLLEGE FAIR in the RHS Commons: 4:30-6:30pm
PAYING FOR COLLEGE Presentation in the PAC: 6:00-6:45pm
All RHS students, parents and families are invited to attend the College Fair at RHS during Parent-Teachers Conferences. Over 40 different colleges/universities will be in attendance. Talk with representatives to learn more about the best post-secondary program for you!
PSAT: Optional Testing Opportunity
The PSAT will be offered on October 30, 2024 at RHS during the school day for any interested juniors (Class of 2026). Interested sophomores (Class of 2027) may also register for the PSAT for practice. This test is recommended for students in the top 10% of their class, but open to anyone.
Register online HERE. Deadline to register is September 20th.
A non-refundable fee ($18) will be assigned to Infinite Campus School Store (early October). Must be paid by 12pm Wednesday October 23rd, 2024 to be eligible to take the exam.
Juniors Only: If you qualify for Educational Benefits, please use registration form to request a PSAT fee waiver.
EPIC! Career Exploration for 10th Graders
Sophomores at Rogers High School, ISD 728 are invited to participate in a field trip attending an awesome career exploration event at St. Cloud Technical and Community Center on Friday, October 25, 2024. This EPIC (Exploring Potential Interests & Careers) event is designed for high school students to learn about careers. Students will be able to see demonstrations and have hands-on experiences facilitated by women and men who work in a variety of career fields. Space is limited to 200 students from RHS.
Check out this VIDEO for more info on the EPIC event.
Attendance for EPIC is by sign up only. If your student does not wish to attend, they will be expected to attend their regularly scheduled classes on October 25.
If you agree to permit your child to accompany other students on this field trip with this understanding, please complete this permission form, waiver of liability and media release. THIS FORM must be completed by Friday, September 27, 2024.
Sign up for College Visits at RHS
Students in Grades 11-12 are invited to attend college visits in the College & Career Center when local reps visit RHS. Students can sign up HERE to attend a college visit.
Sept 12 @ 9:00am |
North Dakota State University (ND) |
Sept 17 @ 8:00am |
University of Chicago (IL) |
Sept 18 @ 12:50pm |
Grand Canyon University (AZ) |
Sept 18 @ 1:30pm |
Viterbo University (WI) |
Sept 19 @ 10:20am |
University of St. Thomas (MN) |
Sept 19 @ 1:30pm |
Saint John’s University & College of Saint Benedict (MN) |
Sept 23 @ 10:20am |
Wartburg College (IA) |
Sept 23 @ 1:30pm |
University of North Dakota (ND) |
Sept 30 @ 1:30pm |
Southwest Minnesota State University (MN) |
Oct 1 @ 1:30pm |
Minnesota North College (MN) |
Oct 3 @ 9:00am |
University of Wisconsin - River Falls (WI) |
Oct 10 @ 8:00am |
Hamline University (MN) |
Oct 10 @ 9:00am |
University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire (WI) |
Oct 11 @ 1:30pm |
University of Minnesota - Rochester (MN) |
Oct 22 @ 9:00am |
St. Olaf College (MN) |
Nov 1 @ 1:30pm |
University of Minnesota - Twin Cities (MN) |
Nov 19 @ 1:30pm |
Saint Cloud State University (MN) |
Advanced Placement Exam Registration 2024-2025
This year’s AP Exams will be held from May 5-16, 2025 at Rogers High School. Because of an increase to the College Board’s exam fees, AP Exams will cost $64 each this year. Students must register by November 1, 2024 to avoid incurring an additional $40 late fee. (This does not include courses which meet only during the spring semester, which have a final registration date of March 1, 2025.) Students who register can cancel their exam registration before March 1, 2025. However, all canceled exams incur a $40 Unused Exam Fee.
There are two steps to AP exam registration:
Complete the first registration step by creating a College Board account online and enrolling in the correct course section using the correct join code. Most students have already completed this step with their teacher. (Complete this step by October 1, 2024.)
Complete the second registration step by paying the assigned exam fee through the School Store on Infinite Campus or by having the exam fees waived by contacting Jessica Zoubek (jessica.zoubek@isd728.org) in the office and confirming eligibility for free/reduced lunch. (Complete this step by November 1, 2024.)
Both steps must be completed for each AP exam before the deadline in order to complete registration.
Students with an IEP or 504 Plan will be contacted by their case manager to request any necessary testing accommodations. Please contact Anne Bartus (anne.bartus@isd728.org), SSD Coordinator, with any questions about accommodations.
Please email the AP Coordinator, Shane Noecker (shane.noecker@isd728.org), with questions regarding AP exams at RHS.
6 Steps to Creating a College List
For most students, choosing a college is the most important decision of their lives thus far. Understandably, making a college list can feel overwhelming given that there are over 4,000 colleges in the US. The best way to approach the list is to thoroughly research the choices and make well-informed decisions. The goal is to cultivate a well-balanced list of 8 to 10 schools.
Ms. Handrick (College & Career Specialist) can work with students to help navigate this process. Below are six steps to get started.
Hop on the Internet. Get familiar with the colleges and universities that are out there. Websites like College Confidential, Big Future, Cappex and MCIS have robust college profiles. Look at colleges that have familiar names, but don't miss out on researching other schools that are lesser known. These schools may be a strong fit for your student, if not better than some well-known ones.
Type in "college" with different words, like "warm weather," "green," "friendliest," "best dorms" or "sports enthusiasts." If the school looks interesting, take a deeper look. Find out more about colleges mentioned by friends, parents, teachers, or coaches. Attend college fairs and meet college reps who visit RHS. Investigate at least three or four colleges that are not familiar to you.
Write down the top five things a college must have. These are the deal-breakers. If a college doesn't have these five things, cross it off the list. One of those deal-breakers should be the student's major (if they have one). If engineering is a desired career path, it's going to be very hard to explore the possibilities if the school has no resources. Then, make another list of the five things "I wish the college had." This list will help weed down the list, but don't use it to cross off schools yet. There's more research to be done.
Hop online again. Scour the official website of all colleges of interest. Look beyond the obvious facts like campus size, location, courses of study, and degree programs. Investigate campus activities, study-abroad programs, student organizations, special programs, etc. College experiences differ greatly. Have questions and can't find the answers online? Call or email the school. Do not cross off any college because of cost. Many colleges offer financial aid, scholarships, and other help that make them far more affordable than they first appear.
Talk to your counselor. Talk with trusted family, friends, teachers, and mentors. Talk to alumni. On most college websites, you can find information on the alumni association. Be creative. Search the Internet for college-specific phrases in quotes, like, "I graduated from Northeastern," or "Since graduating from FSU." See what former and current students have to say. Check out sites like Unigo and Rate My Professors where the rankings are based on student reviews.
If possible, visit at least three schools before senior year starts. The Internet is no substitute for an actual college visit. It's always a good idea to check out colleges in different settings like a major city versus a suburb.
Begin the senior year with a list of eight to ten colleges of interest. Don't believe only one school in the world is the perfect one. Oftentimes students "compromise" and go to schools that are not their first choice. Many of these students end up absolutely loving that school. Other students attend their "dream" school and then transfer. Reach for dreams while making sure the final college list has one or two schools which a student is almost absolutely certain to be admitted. As importantly, don't put any schools on the list that a student would not be happy attending.
Mental Health & Substance Use Disorder Resource www.Fast-TrackerMN.org
Fast-Tracker can help you find:
Programs, Services & Provider Availability
Appointment Information
Funding and/or Insurance Information
Community Calendar, Events, FAQs & Resources
Advocates & Support Groups
Crisis Contacts & Emergency Information
The RHS Counseling Department (Counselors assigned by Grade)
Grade 9: Ms. Macken - shannon.macken@isd728.org
Grade 10 (A-S): Ms. Morrison - dawn.morrison@isd728.org
Grade 11 (A-S): Ms. Bartus - anne.bartus@isd728.org
Grades 10-11-12 (T-Z): Mr. Miller - daniel.miller@isd728.org
Grade 12 (A-S): Ms. Shrestha - jacy.shrestha@isd728.org
College & Career: Ms. Fanning -lauren.handrick@isd728.org
CTE Updates
Please check out the latest events in the CTE Newsletter
All Ticket Sales for Rogers High School Athletic/Activities Games/Events are by Credit Card, online ahead of time or Credit at the game/event. See gorogersroyals.com or nwsconference.org for LINK to pre purchase your game tickets.
RHS Varsity Home Football game on Friday, 9/13/24 is being played at Elk River High School Stadium due to construction at the RHS Stadium.
Rogers Homecoming is the week of October 7th
Football game is Thursday, October 10, 2024
Homecoming Dance sponsored by Student Council is Friday, October 11, 2024
Cheer on the Roger Royals Football Team and check out the new Tickets, Concessions, Storage and Team Buildings.
Find all RHS Athletic information at GOROGERSROYALS and Twitter @geauxroyals
England, Summer 2025
Food Service Calendar
Please email Chromebook Help
Safety and Internet Filtering at Home
ISD 728 Chromebooks will continue to have filtering to help protect students against harmful and inappropriate online material.
Despite the District’s attempt to filter and provide additional protections outside of school, parents/guardians still play an important role in supervising their child's internet access and usage. Parents are encouraged to discuss rules for appropriate internet usage, and reinforce lessons of digital citizenship and safety. Please review our technology responsible use guidelines and visit www.isd728.org/Digital-Health-
- Visit here for more information about what is filtered.
- Visit GoGuardian Parent App for information on how parents and guardians can monitor their children's Chromebook browsing activity, and choose to block sites such as YouTube.
Contact Us
RHS Main Office: 763-274-3140
RHS Attendance: 763-274-3140 x1604
ISD #728 Attendance Line: 763-241-3555
Jason Paurus
Ryan Johnson
Asst Principal
Last Names: A—Ham
763-274-3140 x1602
Jill Engquist
Asst Principal
Last Names: Han—O
763-274-3140 x1603
Josh Stephan
Asst Principal
Last Names: P—Z
763-274-3140 x1784
Dan Ohlgren
Activities Director
763-274-3140 x1605
Our Mission
At Rogers High School we educate, inspire and empower through developing positive relationships, pursuing excellence, seeking diversity, and building futures.
Our 7 Core Values
We BELIEVE that...
1 | ALL people have value. |
2 | Valuing and respecting differences strengthens the individual and the community. |
3 | People thrive when they feel connected, supported and affirmed. |
4 | Everyone can learn. |
5 | Hope inspires and empowers. |
6 | Lifelong learning is essential for personal growth. |
7 | Change is an opportunity for growth. |
Attendance Corner
To report your student(s) ill, or to notify us of upcoming appointments, vacations, sporting events, or other special events, please visit your Campus Parent Portal. You can also call the Attendance Line: 763-241-3555; press 3 for Rogers; press 3 for Rogers High School.
- Student Name
- Student Grade
- Reason and length of the absence
- Caller information
Early Release from School:
- Student Name
- Student Grade
- Time student needs to be released
- Reason for student being released
Students need to check in/out with the Attendance Administrative Assistant.
If you receive an automated call saying your student was marked absent from school or class, please check your Parent Portal for more details on the absence. If your student feels they were marked absent in error, please clarify it with their teacher.
For more detailed instructions, please visit our district WEBSITE.
Quick Links
We love our parent/guardian volunteers and have some great opportunities available. A few examples are: supervise lunches, field trip chaperone, math tutor, and provide treats for staff during conferences/staff appreciation. If you're interested in volunteering or have any questions, please contact Quinn Stull at quinn.stull@isd728.org.