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Report an Absence

Campus Portal Absence Requests

Visit Campus Portal and use the top left Menu button to access  More > Absence Requests  (see example screenshot below)

  1. Select the student(s) you are reporting absent.
  2. Use the Excuse dropdown list to choose the reason the student(s) will be absent.
  3. Choose an Absence Type for full day, arrive late, or leave early.
  4. Enter the absence Day and Time. If a full day, enter the first and last day the student will not be at school (can be the same day).
  5. Enter Comments about the reason for absence.
  6. Choose Submit button at bottom when finished.

Previously submitted absence requests for the student can be Viewed or Deleted using the options at the bottom of the Absence Requests area, including those made by other guardians in the household. More information is available here.

example screenshot



Attendance Line: 763-241-3555; press 3 for school for Rogers; press 3 for Rogers High School

Please include the following information in the message:


  • Student Name
  • Student Grade
  • Reason and length of the absence
  • Caller information

Early Release from School:

  • Student Name
  • Student Grade
  • Time student needs to be released
  • Reason for student being released

Students need to check in/out with the Attendance Administrative Assistant.    If you receive an automated call saying your student was marked absent from school or class, please check your Parent Portal for more details on the absence.  If your student feels they were marked absent in error, please clarify it with their teacher.